Pineapple and Mint Sorbet

I've been wanting to make a sorbet for a while now, and although I've been meaning to try out this gauva sorbet, mom insisted that we make the most of the last few pineapples lying around (yes, we're still working our way through the batch of pineapples we talked about here) . You know how they say moms know best? They really do and I'm so glad I listened to her because pineapple and mint are a match made in heaven and I can't believe it's taken me so long to discover this. The key to making this sorbet go from just yum to being a party in your mouth, is being generous with the amount of mint you add. Don't just drop in a few delicate leaves, add an entire bunch. I promise, you won't be sorry.

Pineapple seems to be a natural at being transformed into a sorbet. It's light, yet packed with flavour and most importantly in this summer heat, it is unbelievably refreshing. Add to that the delicate notes of mint, and it will make your tastebuds sing. And I don't say this lightly.

Another great discovery I made while we were making the sorbet is that it's a good idea to keep some of this mint-infused sugar syrup in your refrigerator because, as everyone knows, mint makes everything better. Stir some into your iced tea or lemonade for an added flavour.

Coming back to the sorbet, although you can make it in your ice cream maker, mom and I took the traditional route: we froze it for about 3 hours, took it out and churned it with an emersion blender, put it back in the freezer and repeated the whole process after another 3 hours. We then left it to freeze overnight. Churning  is important because it ensures that ice crystals don't form and that your sorbet is as smooth as a baby's bottom :)

Pineapple and Mint Sorbet:

(adapted from The Perfect Scoop, David Lebovitz)


2 cups pineapple, chopped

8 tbs sugar, or to taste

1/2 cup water

1-2 tsp lime juice (depending on how tart your pineapple is)

1 bunch mint leaves


Bring the sugar and water to a boil, making a syrup. Lower the mint into the syrup, making sure it is fully immersed in the liquid. Cover and let it infuse for about 10 minutes. Strain the mint leaves out of the syrup.

Puree the pineapple in a blender adding  the mint-infused sugar syrup along the way. Strain any remaining solids out of the puree. Add the lime juice and stir to mix.  Pour in a container and let it chill in the refrigerator for 20 minutes (choose a container that isn't too deep- it will take longer for the sorbet to set and the chances of crystallization will be higher). Transfer from the fridge to the freeze and let it set for 3 hours. Remove from the freezer,  churn the mixture with a blender and put back in the freezer for another 3 hours. Repeat this process one more time, after which, freeze overnight.